NEWS • 1st Feb 2022
SBRI Healthcare Awards £800k to pioneering innovations in the Stroke and Technology field

Orion MedTech is pleased to announce its collaboration with Evolv Rehabilitation Technologies who have been awarded funding by SBRI Healthcare through a nationwide call in 2021 which attracted more than 79 applications from pioneering MedTech innovators in the field of Stroke and Technology.

The competition, developed in partnership with the Stroke Association, the AHSN Network and the Accelerated Access Collaborative, focused on improving the quality of NHS services in the context of care provided to stroke patients, reducing the prevalence of independent lives lost to stroke by early identification of at-risk groups, and to ensure provision of support which will help patients manage their condition.

The challenges in stroke care are well documented not just in the NHS but globally. Despite many attempts to tackle these challenges, the pressures on healthcare systems continue to grow. The added complications of the COVID-19 pandemic have placed immense pressure on the stroke rehabilitation pathway, from acute to community stroke services.

Evolv Rehabilitation Technologies was awarded funding to further develop EvolvRehab, a clinically validated CE marked virtual therapy platform which augments traditional rehabilitation services and improves user motivation and adherence. It uses Virtual Reality, computer vision technology and gamification to provide engaging personalised rehabilitation right in patients’ homes. Evolv will include a new training module to assist stroke patients in improving upper limb movement quality through guided virtual exercises and exergames and remotely provide therapists with key metrics on patient performance and adherence.